Bols - Update 3.0!

It's a new day, a new update for Bols! This update may not be as big as 2.0, but it's still big. Read below what's been added:


New species have been added to Bols, and the previously added ones have been updated!

  • Beefies: Beefies now run away from Pipes, they don't run from Bols, though.
  • Fireflies: Fireflies don't have AI like the other critters, they're just a still cluster of fireflies, which are eaten by any critter, except Beefies.
  • Avians: Avians are new critters that eat berries and fireflies! They are similar to Beefies, they are eaten by Pipes and Bols. But they can fly! Avian may begin flying randomly, or when they see a predator. When flying, Avians cannot be caught by predators and cannot hide in the new hiding places. But they have two exclusive traits: grab strength, which is how well an Avian can grab food or water while flying, they may catch food everytime, or never catch anything; flying capability, it's the Avian's ability of flying, some Avians can fly for a long time, but some can't even fly.


And below are the environment additions:

  • Hiding Places: Prey (Beefies, Bols and Avians) can now hide in small caverns. They can only hide when a Pipe is in their sight, or if they've eaten recently. Only one critter can hide at a time, however. The downside to hiding places is that critters cannot drink, eat or mate, so if the predator does NOT leave, it's likely they'll die there. If a critter is able to leave the hiding place, they will pop back in a random location of the map.
  • Eyesight: Prey now have enhanced eyesight. Avians use their eyesight to fly away from predators, Beefies use it to run away from Pipes, and Bols just use them if they need to hide.
  • Sleeping: Critters need to sleep now. With this, comes a new trait: sleep requirement, which is how long a critter can last without sleeping. Sleeping is one the three essential things critter need to do to survive, along eating and drinking.
  • Mating: Critters that are healthy and adults can now mate. How? Don't ask. This allows for species to not go extinct in three minutes.
  • Blood Particle Effect: There is now a particle effect for when critters are eaten. VERY BLOODY!!!


That's all for now, but there's still THREE more critters to come! And fungi, stat menus, and more! But until then, having fun simulating the critter world! And always, provide feedback for the game to continue improving!!


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5 hours ago

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