Printable Critters is released!

Hey everyone! This is my newest game, Printable Critters! It's a prequel to Bols, and is a mix of strategy and Bols' simulation!

>How to Play<

In this game, you will assist a group of endangered critters to defeat the predators threatening their survival! You got three types of critters: resources gatherers, fighting units and miscellaneous. Resources gatherers will go around giving you resources, these being rocks, ink and paper. Fighting units will be used in battle against the predators, they don't do anything outside of battle, but remember to keep them well-fed! Miscellaneous are the miscellaneous critters, duh, they're the Piffs (eats corpses) and the Bils (gives out orders to critters).

To create new critters, you'll use the ink and paper you acquire to print out new critters with the giant printer on the center of the map. With the rocks gained, you can buff your fighters on the shrine. To activate the shrine, just click on it and then drag one of the fighters to it. Once you have enough fighters and you feel like they're strong enough, you can click the wooden megaphone to send them to battle. You must defeat three waves of predators to win the game.

You don't just watch the game unfold, though, you MUST be interacting with it. You need to feed your critters, tell them to work, send them to battle, etc. If you ONLY watch, your critters will all die, and you'll lose the game.

>How it was made<

Printable Critters is made for Jame Gam #47, under the theme "Ecosystem" and the special object "Printer". Since I already had Bols, which was an ecosystem simulator, I thought of doing something related to it. Originally I didn't think the idea was very good, but eh, I sticked with it. This game probably ended up being one my best games in visuals. I like how it turned out, I guess.


Printable Critters (Browser) Play in browser
2 days ago
Printable Critters (Original) 713 MB
2 days ago

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